My blog


Welcome to my blog. It’s been created out of the intention to provide value. I hope you enjoy it.




I write about…

Whatever is in my mind at the moment. Life doesn’t come in order, so I’ll try to group content as it makes the most sense.

I’ll write something about most of the books I read. This helps me in my learning process, but it could also help you as a book recommendation.



I love technology. I believe we must learn to maximize the usage of technology so we can use it to boost our humanity. You’ll find some nerd coding stuff here as well.

Here I share my Productivity and habits hacks. I read a lot about this, so be prepared to see a lot of content around this topic.

This section is a digital canvas where I articulate the insights and lessons life offers me. It’s about my journey of understanding myself and the world around me a little better, one reflection at a time.